AnnaKiss Mauser-Martinez

Lettuce Turnip The Beet 3/21/22

For the sports fans out there, this time of year brings about thoughts of March Madness and the Sweet Sixteen, but we agrarians know of a different kind of sweetness in the air – sugaring season! We partnered with an Oberlin-based non-profit, Shagbark Haven, to pilot a sap collection program on the George Jones Memorial … Read more

Lettuce Turnip The Beet 2/21/22

What a wild month it’s been! The ebb and flow of the temperatures lately have been a stark reminder that Ohio both can and will throw every season at you in one day if possible. Although that’s bad for young plants, it truly brought out the strength in a young farm hand on George Jones … Read more

Lettuce Turnip The Beet 12/13/21

The growing season may be coming to a close, but we’ve been staying busy over at the George Jones Memorial Farm. Student workers and volunteers have been steadily coming out to help tend the beautiful flush of turnips growing in one of our high tunnels, which you will find in your final City Fresh share … Read more